Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Wacky Mom & Dos Devilishly Handsome Trolls: Welcome!

A Wacky Mom & Dos Devilishly Handsome Trolls: Welcome!: Welcome to my new blog! I have to decided to start a blog to share my boys & my events in our daily lives. You may be wondering what mak...


Welcome to my new blog! I have decided to start a blog to share my boys & my events in our daily lives. You may be wondering what makes my family any different than yours? Well there probably isn't too much difference; other than I plan to be very open and honest about what it is like living in two different worlds. The worlds I am speaking of are the Deaf/Hard of Hearing(HH) world and Hearing world. Not to mention I will also discuss great finds & not so great finds I encounter on Pinterest & anything else that comes to mind. Everything I say or do will be of course in my opinion and is not the absolute truth; only the absolute truth for my family.
That being said...your probably wondering what criteria I have that gives me the authority to speak on such a topic of hearing loss. My youngest son for starters has a moderate to severe hearing loss. He is considered to have only a unilateral hearing loss because he only has one ear. The hearing loss is in the ear he does have while the side that does not have an ear has 100% bone conducive hearing. This summer he will be under going ear reconstructive surgery on the right side; purely for cosmetic purposes. I will also be posting pictures of this surgery and follow ups etc when this takes pace in June.
I also have made many Deaf/Hard of Hearing friends along our journey who have given my family wonderful advice that I believe anyone in our similar situation could use. I, myself, have also undergone many Deaf study classes taught by instructor's who were Deaf/HH themselves in which allows me to back up my honest opinions :)
Now,I will forewarn you - that not all you read here will be funny & full of roses but as I said I plan to be very candid; in hopes that others may know that they are not alone in the boat :) So come & follow me on my family's wonderfully wacky adventure in life!