Thursday, November 21, 2013

On the road again :)

I should have known today was gonna be an interesting day...especially when I only got an hour of sleep due to the fact I couldn't shut my mommy brain off and kept making sure I had all the necessities packed . Just a lil So 4am arrives and we are off on the road the boys seat belted and tucked in as snug as a bug. Oma had her early morning coffee and all was well. 
We stop in Rosenburg for breakfast at McDonald's and to top off the Gas tank. As I'm filling up the tank I figure let me get the bugs off the windows, only to find the containers w/ the window washers have little to no water and brown w/ bugs floating...essentially bug soup du jour..Yuck! I figure oh well no biggie. Next was off to the ladies room, only to soon discover while I'm on the toilet it has become a unisex bathroom due to the men's is broken. A little awkward at first but I decided no biggie we are all in stalls with closed doors. Plus, it brought back fond memories of Mexico were this was common and my utter shock as a teenager while my friends sat and laughed at my culture shock:) 
Now that the truck tank is full, it's off to feed the familia at McDonald 's. Well let's just say it was a spiritual was baptized in hot coffee and then discovered they had "Holy" egg mcmuffins. Holy aka whole wheat ;) Just to make sure any evil morning spirits were gone I was then re-baptized in ice cold water when my son got excited and preceded to spill his water.
Once the "spiritual" session was over it apparently was time for comic hour :) my boys decide to have an almost melt down in the midst of Houston morning traffic. My oldest couldn't find the car charger to the DVD player and of course my youngest decides to chime in. So since I'm driving and you would think obvious that I can't help look for said charger. Oma began to look through the bag and begins her own rendition of "Batty" from ferngully and proceeds to have charger connection hanging out her ears while repeating " hello, hello..anybody there?" Into the other end...LOL. 
Outside of Livingston we stop at the rest area where we start taking the car apart because of course Aric's "cheap" hearing aid goes missing; only to discover after thirty minutes of ransacking the truck, looking in the playground sand, rest stop bathroom, doing almost everything short of busting out a metal detector we find the hearing aid hanging from the coat hanger plastic piece on the truck ceiling..Uugghh..LOL!
So many laughs and mishaps has definitely made this trip already memorable. Creating memories with loved ones is always a joy! 
We decide to stop in Hope, Arkansas because we are exhausted from all the We check into our hotel get ready to crash when I see the posted letter below on my bed
I know we are in the Bible Belt but this truly is a sweet and heartfelt letter to such travelers as I after a long day, it was another smile to be added to the day! Well friends enjoy the letter and goodnight hugs from this wacky family :)