Friday, July 5, 2013

Tried to get them their own exhibit :)

In the savannah at the Dallas Zoo
Aric's up close and personal picture taking skills
Logan, Aric & Oma on a safari
Aric on his chimp mamas back
 Aric's other family lol
Logan & Oma on the safari monorail
Aric not so sure bout the monorail
Don't they look 
Aric playing with the iPad camera
14 days after surgery
Unfortunately there was no room for them at the It was a nice day Wednesday afternoon to go to the zoo. We have done most of our Dallas tourist attractions w/ some left to do for our future visits :) 
We have met many great families here in Dallas at RMDH. It is definitely a bitter sweet goodbye, while we are happy to leave it is sad to leave all our new friends behind.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The time has come....

Aric & his Francisco
With the stitches
Kellie removing the stitches
Look at all those lil eyelashes...that was only half
Stitches are out...yay!
Interesting view of downtown Dallas...takes a never ending escalator to get up there :)
Cool skeleton of a pre historic sea turtle

Ever heard of plastiki? Here she is...very fascinating!
My little monkey in leap frog gardens

Tuesday was a great day at the docs. We were released to go back to Corpus Christi on Friday morn...yay!  We will come back to Dallas for a follow up appointment on July 23rd & then the next surgery is scheduled for December 4th w/ pre op appts on the 3rd. 
In the Afternoon, we went to the Perot Museum in DT Dallas. It was beautiful but we enjoyed the 2nd floor & down more than the top floors. There was a few interesting things on the upper floors but most of it was a heavy push on evolution & the Big Bang theory. The second floor was fascinating because the kids were able to build and control robots of various types, build constructionary items, and other various hands on activities. The basement held a sports area were you could test your abilities against other athletes & even T-Rex :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Just a quickie

 Definite progress :)
Steri strips are gone...yay!

I just wanted to let u all know that not to be offended if u text me during the day about questions in regards to Aric and I don't answer you for a hot minute. The time I have to myself is a late at night or early morn, hence why I blog because then everyone can know what is going on without having to send out my infamous book text messages ;) I try to answer as quickly as I can :) I hope to have definite dates tommorrow for as to when I will be returning...thank you for your patience and understanding in this means the world :)