Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Life in the Fast Lane

I don't know about you but when I drive, it's 0-60 in 3 secs and the speed goes up from there when I'm on the freeway;especially when I'm traveling. Half the time, I don't even realize I'm going that fast cuz my mind is focused on point B And the hidden cops that not even the fuzz buster will pick up...lol. Now you know some of my bad habits but where I  learned how to put the petal to the metal defensively is of no consequence...
What I have noticed is there is a lot of drivers who tend to speed up to get into another lane, to get past someone to get access to an exit etc...but why not slow down??? Put the blinker on and slowly get behind the person where there is more in likely adequate space for you to merge over into the lane of your exit because no one wants to be behind the slowpoke ;) I through the years have learned that this method gets you where you wanna go more successfully with a lot less road rage. Don't deny it, if you got a heavy foot like me, you too have called people names even if it's just in your head :)
So why am I bringing this up?? While in Dallas traffic, I witnessed a persons frustration due to his/her failed attempt at trying to cut across three lanes to get to their exit. It jogged my memory about Christine Caines podcast bout busy-ness and being overwhelmed. If we live our life in Jesus Christ, he gives us the energy and strength to survive 15hr or longer days; especially when what we are doing is to glorify him. Yet, we all need to take time out of our busy schedules to get a refill in Gods word.  If we neglect the "refill" you will lose the your God given boost! I have to constantly remind myself of this because I do live life in the fast lane between work, children, volunteering etc. it's a crazy hectic schedule. Truthfully, I love it! I know some of you may think I have lost my mind and honestly I almost did being idle and waiting this last week. The only thing that kept me sane was spending time with God and in his word. Even though I thrive on always being on the go, I realize I too have to take a step back every now and then and slow down to rejuvenate and refuel.
So now all of you know my secret, put all your faith in God and he will get you through the grueling long days ;)

They even have fancy tickets ;)

Today before stitches were removed..

Sorry i will post pics later of afterwards..two weeks out and it's still swollen but it's definately healing. We are scheduled for the next surgery Thankgiving week...big things are happening for this little guy...feeling blessed :)

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