Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A lesson in patience for Aric

I am same grateful to have all the wonderful people that God has placed in my life. Your prayers have helped immensely. The out pouring of love has brought smiles in the midst of Aric's low moments. There has been quite a few as he was hoping to leave the hospital by Wednesday afternoon but unfortunately thurs morn (-thanksgiving) is the earliest we will be leaving.
Aric's running and athletic build has helped greatly for this surgery. The original plan was to take 75% of the gracilis muscle in the right leg but since Aric's muscle at 10 yrs of age Is the size of a full grown male adult, the doctor took only a smidgen of the muscle. This strength in the leg muscle will also help for faster healing etc. The doctor also discovered a hidden nerve in Aric's right facial area and brought it to surface to help with the function.The nerves could take anywhere from 6 mos to a yar before they engage enabling us at that time to begin various facial excercises and therapies. Every hour the doctors and nurses brought in a Doppler unit to listen to the artery and the bLood flow in the veins the first day. As of last night and today it is done every 2hrs. It is quite interesting the distinct sounds they make.
He of course had all the doctors and nurses laughing at his seriousness of walking straight out of surgery ;) when he was finally able to walk yesterday the icu nurse was almost having to jog next to him. This morning, the floor nurses were commenting on how great he is walking/running and I informed him that he is hoping the better he walks the faster he will be able to go back to RMHD.
Unfortunately, due to the doctors desire to watch him more closely due to the muscle flap/reanimation he will not get to leave the hosp til tomm.
This morning was a lil rough as he became nauseous in part due to pain meds on an empty stomach and the nurses extra heavy perfume. So that was a lil set back. I will now also be the one administering everything to Aric until the next shift change. His IV has been disconnected from the machine but will not be fully removed until we leave. The phenergan kicked in and he is fast asleep.
I know he is anxiously awaiting his brothers arrival this afternoon so they can go to the teen room and play games etc. 
sorry this post is a day late but in ICU there was very lil free time and not to mention the late night move was a lil crazy too.
Yesterday morning, a lil black n blue under the eye and eyes were dry and severely irritated.

I got a break from massaging his feet and calves when they brought in the wii system. It was short lived as it was hard to play with all the wires and IVs etc. of course, it was back to wanting to be spoiled by mama :)

11/26 this morning there is some swelling, the black n blue from under the eye has receded

He could do a great rendition of the chipmunk song for Christmas muscle has relaxed some on the right side and is not pulling like it was just out of surgery

Close up of ear and some bruising...the stitch on the cheek is where they listen for the artery and vien sounds...this also makes Logan a lil nauseous..who knew for such a big kid something like this could make him squimish ..a dr Logan will not be ;)

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