Thursday, November 27, 2014

Bountiful Blessings

I truly have lived a blessed life. I have great family and friends. My trolls despite their daily attempt to put me in the funny farm are above anything I could ever ask for. Aric's Doctors past & present have brilliantly  helped us in more ways than one. Yes, that even includes the doctors with not so great info because it made me realize that doctors are human too and deserve to be questioned because they are not God and do not have all the answers.The boys teachers have helped shape their beautiful minds; even outside of their daily teaching regimen. I have been blessed as a single mom that both boys have male role models outside of their fathers to look up too. Logan's dad serves our country and therefore cannot be present always. I have been blessed by a wonderful church family and their outpouring of love rain or shine.
 Blessings such as above are easy to claim, but what about the rotten moments in ones life? I call those blessings too. I know you probably think I am crazy and your not far off :) Honestly, during the time of strife I didn't look at it as a blessing but without those awful moments, rotten people etc. I wouldn't be who I am nor would I be able to pass down the lessons I learned to my children. Cliché, I know but its the truth. Most of the cliché sayings are based on truth and proverbial sayings.
Recently, as some of you know, I lost my grandmother Estelle. She was a woman who was always sweet and didn't make very many enemies or if any at all. Yet, to those of us who knew her intimately, she did not mince words. You knew where she stood and how she felt about them. I loved her dearly and will miss her. Even though it is a sad time and this may make some members of my family upset, her death was a blessing. Estelle had been suffering from Supra Nuclear Palsy. There is no cure just a whole lot of try this or that and hope for the best. In the end, she was ready to meet her maker and tired of fighting the fight. She was not only tired but depressed most likely due to she lived the last yr and a half living in a nursing home apart from the love of her life of 65 years. We all knew, including grandma, that the nursing home was where she needed to be due to the constant care that none of us could provide. Was it hard? Hell yes it was hard! Yet, despite the initial reaction due the stigmatism of nursing homes, Grandma thrived and made new friends. She brightened the day for many of the residents who didn't have loved ones who cared about them. She had a zest for life like no one else I know and I am blessed because Last years Thanksgiving was my last with her. My tribe went to Illinois from Texas and during our time there, we were able to bring her back home for a few days. I was blessed by the special time I had with her amongst others and our time alone. I was blessed to see my boys enjoy that last holiday with her. I was blessed to see inside the beauty of 65 years of marriage and love. Little stolen moments are the ones I cherish most.
We are blessed again to be back to RMHD today and free of the Hospital. Blessed to see many babies who were hospitalized out with their families or other children who were in need of transplants receive their much needed organs and I was blessed to have had the chance to minister to a family who lost a little one and see how a faith so strong can get us through hurtful, stressful moments.
All these blessings bring such joy to my heart. The good, bad, ugly or indifferent moments are all relevant even in the tiniest of ways. I am glad the Lord has granted me these blessings. I may not be rich by monetary standards but I am rich in faith & love. The blessings thus far have been great and glorious..I can't wait to see the abundant blessings the Lord has in store for me and my family.
 I pray that you treasure your precious moments and count them as blessings too. Amen

A little friendly competition at children's medical city 

Introducing the fourth member of the chipmunks, Aric

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