Sunday, December 15, 2013

Home is ....

To many people, home is where their family is or where their work has them located. Yet for some of us, home is not only where our family is but that also includes our "church family". In Dallas, I have had the privilege to attend two wonderful churches but they still don't have that special "tug" like Bay Area fellowship does. I just believe whole heartedly  in the vision the pastor has for the church and for the "lost" of Corpus Christi. Growing up, church was just church; I never felt that "tug" or calling. I know God has a plan for each and everyone of us. I believe that God had me in all the right places to learn the foundation of his word in order to give me the strength during the low moments and show me that the struggles were to prepare me for my purpose in him to help others. Now I know that free will had a lot to do with my choices, but I can't help but believe that God knew I was hard headed and needed to hit my head against that wall a few times in order to "shape" me into a "vessel" he could use.  Thank the good Lord he is patient :) 
I have been able to use my learning experiences to help others; whether just being an open ear and saying nothing at all or sharing my experience and how God has brought me through those darkest hours.  Even here amongst strangers, God has used me to help others by lending my strength and courage; God has blessed me with many new relationships and given me more strength and courage to Carry on.
Aric's ear has been healing quite nicely. There are a few spots I am a little concerned about that I will be asking the doctor about. Our week has been filled with lots of memories and faith strengthening moments. I truly feel blessed!
Aric loves this ski chair :)

Back portion of the Lima bean :)


Front view 

Little drummer boy from Prestonwood church "the gift of Christmas"
The other drummers suspended in the air

The living Nativity

 Aric's new winter hat from our wonderful neighbors Donna & Kayla

 Riding the horse,really watching himself in the mirror :)
Busted!! Lol..Aric got caught eating in the room :)

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