Sorry for the delay in the blogs but just like for you, sometimes life gets in the way. I was just going to start off with my daily stories and little anecdotes but then I realized that some of you may not know a whole lot about my boys and I.
I recently had to write a Bio on myself for an upcoming seminar, so instead of reinventing the wheel, I am going to plagiarize my own work-HA!
Here it goes...
I am a parent who wants the best for her children just like you! I am a single mother, Salon owner/stylist( which essentially means I am a non-licensed therapist :) ), Parent guide for TX Hands & Voices, my kid's taxi driver, referee of brotherly wrestling matches, my kid's biggest cheerleader & fan, homework police, chore enforcer, encourager, advocate & my least favorite role...disciplinarian. The list could go on and on. My household is made up of my oldest son, Logan, who is 13 & hard of listening due to the syndrome known as the teenage My youngest son, Aric, who is 9 & depending on his mood classifies himself as Deaf of Hard of Hearing(HH). Our family also consists of two cats. One named Tuna & the other Yoda.
So now that you know the basics...I will get back to the daily stories :)
Below is a family pic taken bout a year ago but my boys look so cute I couldn't resist showing :)
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